About me

Who am I?

My name is Igor Krupiński. I am a manual therapist, and I also hold a degree in finance from the University of Warsaw. I am passionate about various forms of movement, the intricacies of the human body, and psychosomatics.

My journey into bodywork began when chronic tension in my body, caused by seemingly healed injuries from the past, started to limit not only my physical activity but also my everyday functioning. In search of a solution to my problems, I eventually came across Structural Integration, which not only improved my physical and mental well-being but truly revolutionized my life. It was in the year 2017. Since then, I have delved into the secrets of the human body.

My approach

I am a graduate of the international school European Guild for Structural Integration (EGSI) and a certified Structural Integration therapist following the tradition of Dr. Ida P. Rolf. I am also a member of the Polish Society of Structural Integration (PTIS).

I approach each individual who decides to work with me in a holistic and multi-dimensional manner. I see them not as a mere combination of muscles, bones, and skin, but as a sentient being that is a union of soul, body, and mind.
I firmly believe that each individual possesses extraordinary potential and inner power for self-healing. Working with the body, in a safe space and with the therapist's full presence, serves as an excellent catalyst for achieving desired changes and personal growth.

Through bodywork, it becomes possible to release blockages that hinder the free flow of energy, such as the movement of fluids and substances, emotions, and information.

My thorough knowledge of the anatomical structure, physiology, and biomechanics of the human body, combined with an understanding of psychological mechanisms, supported by innate empathy, developed intuition, inner calmness, and effective communication skills, enables me to fully comprehend the individuals I encounter in my practice.

Why is it worth it?

I am constantly evolving and expanding my knowledge to continuously improve my skills. I refine them through attending training sessions and practicing in the clinic to be the best possible support for my clients.

If you desire to experience a process that allows you to deeply integrate with your body, discover a new quality of being, and let go of discomfort, chronic tension, or pain, or if you simply need relaxation, emotional relief, and regain a sense of freedom and harmony in your body – do not hesitate and sign up for sessions now.

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