
What is ScarWork™?

ScarWork™ is an innovative, non-invasive, and painless technique for working with scars, both fresh and old, with the aim of integrating the scar into the body's fascial network. It was created by Sharon Wheeler, the first woman to become a student of Dr. Ida Rolf.

Why is working with scars important?

By disrupting the continuity of the skin and connective tissue, the resulting adhesions (scars) can adhere to other structures, significantly limiting their mobility both on the skin's surface and deeper within the body. Although everything may appear fine at first glance, the scar and the surrounding tissue can be characterized by stiffness and hardness. As a result, we may experience tension, deformation, discomfort, and even pain. Especially in women, this can lead to self-acceptance issues and difficulties in adapting to the changes that scars bring. Scars, therefore, are not just a cosmetic problem.

What benefits does ScarWork™ provide?

It reduces or eliminates pain within the scar area.
▪ Restores and normalizes sensation in the tissues.
▪ Smoothes and makes scars and surrounding tissues more elastic.
▪ Improves mobility and functionality of tissues and joints within the scars.
▪ Affects the color of scars, making them less visible.
▪ Helps in accepting scars as an integral part of one's body.

The effects of the therapy are noticeable after the first treatment, and the best results are achieved in combination with a full cycle of Structural Integration.

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